2005, Tom Cruise jumped like a lunatic dolphin on Oprah Winfrey's guest couch
overjoyed about his newfound love in actress Katie Holmes. Alas, it's now the
year 2012 and the pair, who seemed once
so in love, are now divorced. No surprise there.
seen it time and again, J.Lo & P.Diddy/Ben Affleck/Marc Antony. Britney
Spears & K. Federline (everybody saw that coming), Larry King and his harem.
But there was something of note about this divorce. It didn't end in an ugly
public spat. It actually blindsided Cruise. Let me say that one more time,
Cruise was actually blindsided when Katie filed for divorce.
Where there's smoke, there's fire; according to TMZ, Katie filed for divorce because she did not want her daughter, Suri, indoctrinated into Scientology, Cruise's religion. Apparently, Scientology clergyman were pushy about having Suri join the Scientologist Youth Group, Sea Org, and Mrs. Cruise had just about enough of the controlling nature of the Scientologists. Holmes, a Catholic, never read up on 2nd Corinthians 6:14 where the apostle Paul gave us a wise warning to not be "unequally yoked with unbelievers," but the damage is done. Mistakes were made. Where do we go from here?
So far,
Katie hasn't made a single statement about her divorce from Tom. This is
considered a brilliant move by former Scientology's media handler Mike Rinder
because if she says that she filed for divorce because of the cult, they would
bully her much like they did to ex-wife Nicole Kidman and she can look like the
brave mother who wouldn't cave into the organization's pressure.
was it about Scientology that compelled Katie Holmes to throw her husband this
bombshell of a separation? Why is Scientology, the organization, threatened if
someone speaks out against them? Why the hush? People of different religions
marry all the time without really taking into account how their religions
differ and the consequences of uniting under ignorance.
begin by asking what is it that her now ex-Hubby believes.
Scientology is a religion founded by Science-fiction writer and occultist L. Ron Hubbard who passed way in 1986. It's a mixture of science, mental health and religious philosophy. It's the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life. Scientologists believe that:
· Man is an immortal spiritual being. An invisible entity known as a "thetan" who becomes relieved of his "engrams" (the ability to be separate from his body with full perception).
one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith. That which is true for
you is what you have observed to be true.
salvation depends upon yourself.
· Man was once godlike and has deteriorated over time.
· People can be counseled, or "audited," to recall and cast off negative events that prevent them from reaching their full potential. (Reincarnation-ish)
You can see Tom Cruise's devotion for yourself here.
it gets even more complicated than that. People in Scientology spend vast
amounts of money in "fees" to attain knowledge and higher status in the
What did L. Ron Hubbard claim when he founded this religion?
· "There are gods above all other gods, and gods beyond the gods of the universes." (Scientology, 8-8008, pp. 72-3)
· "Christianity succeeded in making people into victims. We can succeed by making victims into people" (HCO Bulletin, 18 July 1959)
· "It is despicable and utterly beneath contempt to tell a man he must repent, that he is evil" (Professional Author Bulletin [PAB] #31, 23 July 1954)
· "Hell is a myth..." (PAB #130, 15 Feb. 1958)
· "There was no Christ" (Corydon and Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman? P. 362)
· The Christian Church "invented Christ (who comes from the crucifixion in R6 75M years ago and implanted their way to power" (HCO Bulletin, 23 September 1968, Class VIII)
And the blasphemous quotations seem almost endless.
Scientologists are dealt with differently because they're in the public eye.
Nobody wants a celebrity bad-mouthing their organization. Katie Holmes must
have been aware of the military style brainwashing of the Sea Org places upon
member's children that attend this communal/compound youth group. You can read
Astra Woodcraft's testimony of her time spent on the Sea Organization. Her
mother, unfortunately, placed her in the program from which Katie is running
for her life. The details of the programming these children go through sounds
borderline MK Ultra (minus the torture) with their methods of indoctrinating
the youth with Scientology. And they sign Billion-YEAR contracts (since they
believe they're immortal) to these camps.
One has
to spend time and money to go up "the bridge" to continuing expanding your
knowledge on Hubbard's teachings. The testimonies are numerous about kids
spending their school day reading Battlefield Earth (authored by Hubbard),
working 15 hour days doing chores and facing severe punishments if they have
"negative thoughts."
was so calculated about her intentions (out of fear of Cruise and his team)
that she had a friend bring her a disposable phone to contact her parents. Her daddy
is a divorce lawyer so she was well-advised and she shocked "Impossible
Missions Agent Ethan Hunt" with a spy versus spy move herself. Why did she have
to go to great lengths for a divorce in the first place? Why does she have to
have a friend bring her a disposable cell phone rather than simply purchasing
one? Who is spying on her calls that she even needs one? Oddly enough, according to US Weekly, she's
even got a supporter in Nicole Kidman; Cruise's ex-wife. Where does all the
hush hush center from? The fear of the Scientologists. According to former
Scientologist Amy Scobee and Marty Rathbun, the cult smeared Nicole's
reputation with her own children Isabella and Connor.
So, what
exactly is the allure about joining a cult founded by a science fiction writer
who says you are a "thetan" and there are space stations out there where you can
go to be recycled? What is the allure in that? But it was said by a Christian
writer David J. Stewart that "the cult appeals to the rich and famous because
God is undefined, and man can become his own god if he so chooses." Any
religion and set of beliefs that do not challenge your own sense of morals is
Jerry Seinfeld once explained the allure of scientology when he once dabbled in
it. He said their methods taught him how to project his voice when performing
and the teachings enhanced his overall stage presence catapulting his career
beyond mere comic writer. He didn't get involved in the cult but he gives you a
glimpse of the celebrity's mind being seduced by the self-help, new age
philosophy when he shares his experience.
Could that be how Tom Cruise was seduced? With his pearly whites shimmering down the red carpet every single year at some premiere or Oscar event, could he have applied the same teachings that show us the charismatic actor we see today? It's easy to fall for that grin and charm because, I'll admit, he's one of my favorite actors. Dude can put on a performance, but it's sad to see how he is so blindly devoted to a organization who's founder admits to Satanist Aleister Crowley being a "good friend" and experimenting with the occult. Even Scientology's logo is adorned with two illuminati-like pyramids. Hmmmm...
time a church, cult or organization is taking efforts to control you and your
behavior, claiming that the only way you'll reach a higher plateau or "heaven"
is through THEIR organization, run like Katie.
I would
never condone divorce, plus Hollywood treats holy matrimony like a dirty joke
but I can't blame her for wanting to escape the manipulation following her
every move.
I'm so
thankful that my church doesn't claim to be the way, but rather Christ is the
way. They make a conscience effort to remind new converts that they're not
joining a church and there is no membership; you're simply joining the family
of God, not an institution. It's amazing how people perceive Christianity to be
unloving, exclusive and controlling and then they go run to religions that
strip you of the very freedom you sought. The truth shall set you free and
there's only one truth; hopefully Katie and Suri are running in that direction.
The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap,
Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping
pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band
The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring
lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching
all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's
a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and
Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.