Last-Minute Election Push: Katy Perry + Prayer
November 5, 2012By Tiffani Knowles

Now in its last few hours, the U.S. presidential race is somewhat neck-and-neck.The focus of both the Republican and Democratic campaigns is to win over undecided voters by any means, whether that be through a pop singer's performance in a blue mini dress or a mass last-minute virtual prayer event.

In Wisconsin, the president had singer Katy Perry on stage wearing a shiny blue mini dress with the word 'Forward' emblazoned across the top. She sang into a microphone that looked very much like the torch that is seen in the hands of the Statue of Liberty.

The incumbent president has 1.8 million new voters in key battlegrounds states and that group is considered to be the 'backbone of the campaign' in the opinion of National Field Director Jeremy Bird.

The latest ABC News/Washington Post survey suggests both the contenders to the White House are tied with 48% of support.

While Obama is favored more so by women, non-whites and young progressives, Republican candidate Romney is seen as a favorite of the whites, seniors and evangelical groups.

A last-minute prayer event, to be launched at 9pm Eastern / 8pm Central / 7pm Mountain / 6pm Pacific tonight, is a virtual push for Romney and it's called The Romney Mega Prayer.

The website features an avatar wearing a very form-fitting blue dress, no doubt to compete with Katy's blue mini, telling readers that "there have been hundreds of scientific studies proving the effects of group prayer."

According to the University of Maryland School of Medicine, "patients who had a group pray for them, even without their knowledge, show positive effects by healing faster or better in 57% of studies?"

Citing scientific and socio-political evidence of prayer's impact, the group encourages people to "Pray Hard. Save America. Make History.

Even though most polls show a virtually tied situation, Obama has continued to maintain a slim but steady lead in the swing states. When Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie praised President Barack Obama for his prompt actions in the wake of hurricane Sandy, it served to undermine Romney.

Visitor Comments (1)
Posted By LINGOSO on November 21, 2012
So apparently wearing a blue shirt means patriotism and symbolism well call me honky. So my real question is why are they calling a national prayer at the eleventh hour and created an avater that looks like a naughty liberian. I mean is it just me or is she wearing an overly tight blue shirt with a low V cut in the front because I'm a bit confused at the message he is trying to send. She also looks like Sarah Palin which to make makes it worse, I think people picked it up in their subconcious. This just adds to the reason why he lost.People just called his bluff.
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