A NEWD Look at the Trayvon Tragedy
July 19, 2013By Billy Delgado

Following the words, “Not guilty” the crowds began to flood the streets.


In New York, the marches for justice invaded Time Square.


Protesters assembled in several cities; Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.


Riots broke out in Oakland, California. Arrests have been made. Beanbags have been thrown. Megaphones blared. Hoodies became fashion statements. T-shirts are being printed and sold for profit. Churches are using their pulpits. The NAACP wants to file Federal Civil Rights charges. The Justice Department is looking into Criminal Civil Rights charges. The media continues to sensationalize and manipulate emotions. Private businesses, again, are being vandalized and someone nicely suggested in graffiti paint that we “Kill Zimmerman.”


It’s an understatement to say a lot people are ticked off that George Zimmerman was found not guilty on the charge of 2nd degree murder of 17-year old-victim, Trayvon Martin. Not even guilty of man slaughter.


Do we have one single loud voice of reason in the fray?


All of this began in one night in Sanford, Florida with an age-old human habit called “profiling.” We know this word. We’ve used the cliché.


“Clothes makes the man.” We’ve placed people in categories in our mental filing cabinets based on how they’re dressed. Sloppy means you don’t take care of yourself. Suit means you’re successful. Tight skirt with see-through blouse means you’re loose. Overly-dressed means you’re a prude.


Elderly black women have approached grocery store managers about young men whose pants are dragging far too down exposing their underwear.


Profiling is not a word foreign to anyone outside of the Anglo-Saxon race.  


Let’s add to this. Are you guilty of RACIALLY profiling? Be honest with yourself. In 2001, were you ever nervous whenever you saw an Arab boarding the same plane you were getting on? It raised my eyebrow when I saw big black beards and turbans getting on my flight to California a few months after 9/11.


Comedian Eddie Griffin joked about this to hilarity along with other famous comedians without considering how this would offend Arab Americans who’ve had to endure security scrutiny at every airport and were purposely being racially profiled by the government. Japanese Americans were sent to prison camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.


So, on February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer for his gated community spotted an individual with a hooded sweater. He called 911 and reported that the individual looked “suspicious” walking aimlessly throughout the property. Pause… A neighborhood watchman is doing his unpaid job from here. Usually, thieves, whether you want to admit it or not, dress to conceal their identity. How many surveillance footage have you seen on T.V. of hooded criminals robbing a convenience store?


The dispatcher tells Zimmerman that they (the AUTHORITIES) will take care of the rest and basically told him to “back off.” This is the crisis decision that Zimmerman probably wishes he could take back and is now paying for the rest of his earthly life. This is where Georgie should have walked away or, the minimum, stayed at a slight distance.


From the eyes of Martin who was visiting family, he was simply returning to his father’s home after hanging out and buying snacks. And in the dark, there’s this creepy “cracker” following him. Being a 17 year old, he chooses the Miami Gardens way of resolving it and confronts this strange man. This decision shows a lack of wisdom. How does he know this person doesn’t know Kung-Fu, has a knife or has a GUN? I know the “manly” thing is to confront the creepy “cracker” but was it the wise thing?


Do you see the misunderstanding between the two? Sad, isn’t it?


I am not suggesting that racism doesn’t exist when it has a knack of rearing it’s ugly head every now and then. There have been cases across the country where it’s obviously questionable whether race played a factor. Unfair sentences and severe punishments given to non-whites. The statistical disparity can be damning sometimes. Is that the case here? I don’t know and please forgive me if it should be obvious to the naked eye.


I am also not saying George Zimmerman is free of guilt or responsibility for this untimely death. Trayvon’s death was absolutely unnecessary and the pain of burying a child must be unfathomable for his parents. This could have been stopped. I, for one, thought he was going to serve time for man slaughter.


So many hypotheticals, judgement calls and invariables that would have undoubtedly changed the outcome of this tragedy leaving one teenager alive and a man unscathed from the weight of the unforgiving world that is now crushing him. 


Stop, relax and ask yourself:


What if Trayvon was dressed in a suit and tie?


What if Trayvon was a white kid in a hoodie?


What if Zimmerman had simply obeyed the 911 dispatcher?


What if Trayvon had simply run rather than physically confront Zimmerman?


If Zimmerman had no gun, would he even have followed Trayvon?


If Trayvon knew Zimmerman had a gun, would he have chosen the “Flight” option instead of the “Fight” option?


Was confrontation the wisest choice?


Why didn’t Zimmerman run away when confronted?


Is Zimmerman a racist?


Was Trayvon a reverse racist?


Is this a racial issue?


If so, who are the racists?


If Trayvon died from gang violence in his hometown, Miami Gardens (rough city y’all), would there be this passionate outcry that we see now?


With a last name that sounds like a white sitcom actor, how come George Zimmerman looks more like George Lopez?


He was finally acquitted and saved by Florida’s “Stand your Ground” law. Was the jury’s decision (females, all white except one) based on race? That question should be directed toward them. The culprit behind the furor may also be the “Stand your ground” Law in Florida that has allowed gun owners to blast away whenever they feel like their life is in danger; in danger of getting beaten up by a kid. The country is rife with unfair verdicts and immoral laws (Hello Abortion).


The language of the law is almost too vague to clearly spell out whether a confrontation necessitates the use of a gun. The Government will most certainly use this recent tragedy to further their agenda on disarming civilians. The language of the law was enough to set Zimmerman free to the disenchantment of many multi-colored American citizens.


But amidst all this emotion, is there one single loud voice of reason?


There is nothing wrong with voicing displeasure at loud decibels and traffic congesting ways. The country wants to “seek justice” and “correct the oppressor” (Isaiah 1:17). And rightly so.


Many are shouting “Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord!” (Romans 12:19)


But another voice reasons,


“love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44) and "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34)


Many are praying for the Martin family. Has anyone also thought to pray for Zimmerman who will be facing constant vitriol from here on out?


Has anyone who hungers for God’s vengeance thought of praying for “peace” and “healing” for what’s happened to both families?


Is there a voice of reason after the sun sets on our anger?



The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.




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