Love to Hate: Religious Zealots and Prom Bans
May 26, 2009

An Ohio senior was suspended on May 11 from the fundamentalist Baptist school he has attended since kindergarten after attending a public school prom.

 The Courier in Findlay, Ohio, reported that Tyler Frost, 17, danced and held hands with his girlfriend at a public school prom, attended by about 800 students.

Heritage Christian School forbids dancing, hand holding and rock music. Frost's grandmother, Karen Frost, who teaches at Heritage Christian, said she had been praying for her grandson to "make the right decision" and skip the prom.

Frost said he didn’t think anything was wrong with taking his girlfriend, Rebecca Smooty, to her prom at Findlay High School and that he feels he’s still a Christian.

According to the Heritage School website, the principal Tim England stands by his position as well as buttresses it with verses from the Holy Scriptures.

In the Old Testament, Joseph was in a place of temptation and he fled.Unlike this situation, he didn’t put himself in that place.Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.”II Timothy 2:22 says, “Flee also youthful lusts but follow after righteousness faith charity and peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”When the school committee, many years before I became the principal, set up the policy regarding dancing, I am confident that they had the principle of fleeing lustful situations in mind.The question as I see it is, should a Christian place themselves at an event where young ladies will have low cut dresses and be dancing in them?Isn’t it contrary to the example of Joseph and the verses that I stated?

England said Frost will receive an "incomplete" on remaining assignments and will be banned from graduation ceremonies, but will receive his diploma after completing his finals.

Frost's father, Stephan Johnson, said the suspension is unfair and that he plans to sue the school.

*Source: USA Today

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