Also, why does staying in love seem like mixing oil and
water? Because, you're trying to re-create the "falling" experience.
Who wants to fall MORE THAN ONCE? I know I don't. Here's my theory...
I personally believe in either 'sailing' or 'soaring' in love. With the two
aforementioned navigational adjectives, there is no unnecessary pain.
Granted, sailing accidents happen all the time, and not all flights are smooth and without turbulence. Still, to use an adjective that almost has to do with deliberately making a mistake or merely stumbling tends to irk me.
With sailing or soaring also comes a certain kind of discipline. Common sense and cautionary measures always come into play, but once these things are practiced regularly, it is much easier to have fun and enjoy the 'water' or the 'air.'
Love, when involving the practices of heightened awareness and safety, is something that you can't just FALL into. That's ridiculous!
Learning the basics
of love as you would the basics of sailing a sea vessel or flying an aircraft
are crucial. The great part about love is this: once you get the basics down,
it's a life long adventure from that point forward.
In essence, falling in love or being infatuated is never good. Not for the
person exercising it, nor for the person on the receiving end. Never, EVER,
EVER fall for anyone. Not for another human being. Not even for God.
Take your time, learn the basics, then spread your wings and fly in love. Turbulence will come. Sometimes, air-traffic control will ground you indefinitely and not allow you to take off.
But, air-traffic control always has the pilot's best interest in mind. So, if you find yourself taxing the runway because the "skies" are too "unsafe" to "fly", pull up a good book or something and try to make the best of it.
Eventually, you'll be up off the ground in no time!
Vilfranc is a singer, songwriter, music producer and all-around geeky
Renaissance man. Residing in New York City, he is an avid blogger on all things cool and a new
columnist to