Confessions of a 20 Something: RUNNING HEAD=I'm starting with the dash in the middle
July 6, 2009 • By Ana Guthrie
We've seen a streak of celebrity deaths. Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Billy Mays, and-of course-Michael Jackson have all passed away.
We've heard the tributes and seen the ceremonies. Americans are remembering these celebrities' lives.
This week, I thought back to a quote: "On our headstone there's a date of birth and a date of death, but what really counts is what we do with the dash in the middle."
That dash in the middle…well, it's your legacy.
A good legacy is like a three-tiered wedding cake. And the staple ingredient-the flour-is simply quality decisions. Without flour, a cake is pudding, really.
Decisions, decisions.
Last week, Joyce Meyers spoke about Destiny Altering Decisions. "You can choose what the rest of your life will be like," Meyers challenged. "I believe that everyone of you have great opportunities in front of you," she added. "Some of us need to get real serious about what we're doing with our lives. We are God's representatives and we need to choose to do everything we do the very best we can do it!"

One of Michael Jackson's songs talks about changing the world. The lyrics say, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror..." In other words, I'm examining myself.
Examine your dash in the middle. First, have you received salvation? If so, is your life giving God props? Does your wardrobe, iPod playlists, Facebook, love life, work ethic, circle of friends and speech say that you are serious about your relationship with God? Do you have to remind people that you are a Jesus follower, or is His influence obvious in all that you do?
Decide today to step up your Christian walk. Make up your mind that honoring Jesus is tip-top in your life. Choose today who you are going to live for (Joshua 24:15).
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