Love to Hate: Gates -- A Face for Racial Profiling
July 27, 2009By Chrisnatha Derosier

Harvard professor and noteworthy documentarian Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested on July 16, 2009 after arriving to his home in Cambridge.
According to Charles Ogletree, Gates' attorney, Gates arrived at his home after spending a week in China. He had been filming a new PBS documentary "Faces of America."
After being unable to open the front door with his key, Gates and his driver went to the rear door to open it. A neighbor who saw Gates attempting to enter his home called the local police, assuming that he was a trespasser.
Once local police arrived, Gates provided him with both his driver license and Harvard identification card. Gates was brought out on his front porch where there was several officers waiting. At that point, he was arrested and taken into custody.
The question of the day: Did race play a role in the arrest of Dr. Henry Gates?
President Barack Obama called this event a teachable moment for America. For, while there have been laws passed in over a dozen states outlawing the practice of racial profiling, the Gates arrest has not only revived the issue about profiling, but given the issue a new, more distinguished face.
Is this situation intractable? While Cambridge police sergeant who arrested Gates remains unapologetic, President Obama remains  embroiled in a national discourse about the issue.

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