This morning I watched a news clip about how UPS, or the United Parcel Service, trains drivers to avoid waiting in traffic lights by veering right at every opportunity. Even before there were computer programs or GPS systems, the world's largest package delivery company maintained personnel solely for mapping right-only expeditions.
Despite how counterproductive it appears, staying right has helped the 70-year-old business stay in the black. In 2007 (when gas prices reached historic heights) the company managed to save 3.3 million gallons of gas because of its efficiency. Indeed, by driving right 90% of the time, drivers cut about 30 million travel miles.
As believers, we ought to veer right as much as possible on our journeys. Sure, there will be times when we go off in left field. There’s grace, thank God, whenever we drop the ball. Still, honorJesus withrightchoices, even when it’s painful. Let’s live intentionally, authentically and triumphantly. Follow the Word—our ultimate GPS. Make Heaven your destination.Get excited about one day seeing Christ, Mr. Right Himself. He made only right turns in His life so that we might be able to live rightly.
So, as Easter approaches, let us appreciate the majesty of God’s sacrifice. It’s, like, a really BIG deal thatthe Son of Godput up with cruel and unusual Roman capital punishment for a peon like you and I.We screw up. We doubt. We get discouraged. We lie. We cheat. We pretend. And sometimes we're mean. Yet, we're fixable...all because of Him.
An old poem, A Better Resurrection, comes to my mind (thanks to my strict Moravian upbringing):
I have no wit, no words, no tears;
My heart within me like a stone
Is numbed too much for hopes or fears;
Look right, look left, I dwell alone;
I lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief
No everlasting hills I see;
My life is in the falling leaf:
O Jesus, quicken me!
Without Calvary, there’d be no victory. Without the Resurrection, we’d have no direction.