Australia Has a Female
July 5, 2010 • By Sarah Richardson

A facebook page is dedicated to the national criticism, stating "Julia Gillard if i wanted a ranga in charge I would have gone to F&^@ing McDonalds." Even worse, an attack on her sex: "Julia Gillard Prime Minister??... LOL what is she even doing out of the kitchen." A recent facebook post read, "It's ok if Kevin Rudd cried, i'd cry too if a red head took my job."
Gillard was voted in by the Labor party and not the people, as Rudd had neglected to safeguard the ideals he so strongly advocated during his campaign and at the start of his term.This means that when voting happens in a few months, the Australian people will have a chance to either keep the female Prime Minister or vote for another party.
Perhaps Australia needs a quick MLK lesson in the disregard of someone's skin, hair, gender, height and weight and the observation of the content of one's character.
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