producers of Sesame Street cut a segment from the new season featuring pop star
Katy Perry playing tag with Elmo to the tune of "Hot 'N Cold" last week because
of Perry's revealing attire.
a matter of days of being released on YouTube, arguments and protests began to
arise from the children television show's most important viewers - the
parents. Complaints from around the nation
were written about Perry's gold dress. It was acceptable in length except for
the racy cleavage.
comments were split," said the executive producer of Sesame Street, Carol-Lynn
Parente, on the Good Morning America
show. She explained that not all the parents agreed that Perry's dress was
Nevertheless, with complaints such as this, it was important to Parente that her audience not be deterred from watching Sesame Street. So, in the end, the segment was pulled.
What did Elmo have to say about all the commotion surrounding his play date?
"Elmo loves Miss Katy," said Elmo to his audience.