The funny thing about having kids or, at a minimum, surrounding yourself with them is that you,the grown up, sorta get to replay your childhood. Kids are contagious. You simply can't help but become a little more whimsical when on their turf.
Guys, my congregation's Powerhouse Kids Church is all the way LIVE and, after volunteering for 3 years, there's no burn out or boredom on my horizon. I'm a Veggie Tales and Bible Man enthusiast. Yes, indeed. Plus, I shamelessly blurt out our favorite Sunday school tunes like "I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N" and "Father Abraham" plus "I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart"...except that the kids and I sing them while bussing dances like "The Jerk" or "Woo-Tang" or even the "Macarena."
And I'm convinced that no children's church should be christened as "Sunday School" - truly, an honorable banner - until or unless their kids sing "Jesus Loves Me." Seriously.
It's a blessing to plant seeds of faith in God's little ones, whom I dearly hope will make a decision to accept Christ when they reach an age of understanding. The second coolest thing about being a Sunday School teacher, though, is that I get to put on my most asinine, overzealous, high-pitched voice. It's a stew of intentional stuttering mixed with sunshine and sprinkled with magical innocence. I call it the Self-Esteem Voice. When I turn it on, man, do those kids respond with splendor!
They beam and adore themselves.
So the normal Ms. Ana would blandly ask "Kids, who can tell me what city Jesus was born in?" And, yeah, a few hands may go up. On the other hand, the Ms. Ana who capitalizes on her Self-Esteem Voice would shout "Boy and girls, who-just WHO?-will be the woooonnndeerrfuul, maaaggnniffiiceeennnnntt volunteer to tell us the city Jesus was BORN in? Oh, BOY! I am MOST excited about hearing your answers!" No doubt, all hands will zoom up. To them, the Self-Esteem Voice - using Ms. Ana - is a cross between a princess, a superhero and Barney.
My pre-teen daughter loathes when I tease her with my Self-Esteem Voice. I typically warm up with "I feel the Self-Esteem Voice oozing out..." Then, with a hand on my forehead and eyes dilated I squeal, "Se-LENA! This grade is A-mazzzzinnnngggg! Pump it up! Oh, BOY! You did it, Se-LENA! You are SOOOOOOOO all THAT!" and so forth until she retorts with a dry, "Mommmmm..."
(It's funny how I've caught her using theSelf-Esteem Voice on her younger cousins).
Believe it or not, I sometimes hear God speaking to me in His Self-Esteem Voice, except that His doesn't have the tongue-in-cheek, Disney Channel flare. God's Self-Esteem Voice is genuine, toned down.
When I'm discouraged or overwhelmed, His Self-Esteem Voice tells me "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Philippians 4:13)
On days when I cry for no good reason and feel lonely despite having more pals than I can count, His Self-Esteem voice tells me "The Joy of the Lord is my Strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)
During those times when I feel intimidated by a task before me, His Self-Esteem Voice coaxes, "I have not given you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
So as this Thanksgiving Day approaches, I'm grateful that God speaks to me. Not in a spooky way. But He whispers messages to my heart, my soul. He tells me when an opportunity is a bust... when I shouldn't buy something because it's a want, not a need...when I shouldn't return a man's advances, even. And He certainly tells me that Powerhouse Kids Church is where I need to be for this season.
I appreciate God so much, family.
Gracias. Merci. Danka. Hvala.
How many ways can I say Thanks?
On this Turkey Day, I hope my walk reflects not just Thanksgiving, but ThanksLIVING!
Warmest wishes to you and yours from the folks here at the NEWD camp! Ha!
Ana Guthrie is a super cool chick with a heart for God and love for youth culture. She doubles as a not-so-naughty librarian and instructor at Florida Memorial University in Miami, Florida.