Little League Mom Goes BALListic
June 23, 2011By Alicia Ramsay

A Little League mom is in jail this week after threatening her son's coach and family.

Janet Chiauzzi, a 44-year-old mother from Long Island, NY was angered after the coach did not choose her son to be a part of the little league baseball summer travel team in East Meadow, NY.

Detective Lieutenant Raymond Cote of Nassau County read from one of her letters in a news press conference on Monday.

"I'm personally making it my goal to make sure you and your family suffers dearly." "You will be rotting in hell soon. I will make it happen."

Not only did the suburban mom of two send threatening letters to the coach but also to the principal, little league officials and an 11-year-old son of one of the coaches.

"Accidents happen," Detective Cote read from another letter, "and I would hate to see something terrible happen to your mom, or dad or sister because of your dad's stupidity...He will be harmed and the outcome will not be good for you. You might never see your dad again. You all better watch your f-ing backs."

Chiauzzi also filed a police report that said the coach abused his children. Upon investigation, the Nassau County police announced that the accusations were false.

ABC news reported the competitiveness of parents is not rare.

Wanda Holloway, a cheerleader mom from Texas, hired a hit man in 1991 to kill the mother of her daughter's cheerleading rival in hopes that the tragedy would cause the opponent to opt out of the competition.

In 2005, Mark Downs, a T-ball coach outside of Pittsburgh, was arrested for offering $25 to an 8-year-old to injure an autistic player because he didn't want to use him on the team for the playoffs.

Chiauzzi was prosecuted on Sunday.

Chiauzzi is charged with stalking, falsely reporting an incident, endangering the welfare of a child and aggravated harassment.

Visitor Comments (1)
Posted By BCHEVOLLEAU on July 2, 2011
I understand wanting the best for your children, but some parents really know how to take things to the next level. Besides the fact that this mother's actions were uncalled for, could she have been any more foolish. I mean did she actually think that her son's coach would stay quiet about the letter she was sending him? Wow she deserves whatever punishment she gets.
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