Baseball Tradition Turned Fatal
July 13, 2011By Breanna Chevolleau

While attempting to catch a ball, a Texas fire department lieutenant fell headfirst out of the stadium stands at Ranger Stadium last Thursday and died.

It was the second inning and Conor Jackson of the Oakland Athletics baseball team had just hit a foul ball. After the call was made, the ball bounced onto the baseball field and Texas Ranger player Josh Hamilton tossed the ball into the stands.

Lt. Shannon Stone of Brownwood Fire Department, who had taken his 6-year-old son to see the Texas Rangers play Oakland reached out to catch it and fell headfirst 20 feet to the ground while his son watched nearby.

Catching a foul ball is an American tradition and a real crowd-pleaser in baseball. Fans had lined up in preparation to be that lucky person.

But spectators stood by shocked that day as Stone fell over the railing. A man picked up the victim's son and tried to block him from seeing what was going on. Onlookers said that the little boy screamed "Daddy," as his father fell.

For a moment, there was hope as Stone was taken out of the stadium - conscious and on a stretcher.

The first thing he said was, "Please check on my son. My son was up there by himself."

But sadly, in less than an hour, firefighter Shannon Stone was pronounced dead.

His wife submitted a statement, thanking the public for their support. Josh Hamilton, the player who threw the ball, has been distraught ever since the death of the fan. However, the little boy's mother reassured him that he is still her son's favorite player.

Officials investigated whether the height of the railing met safety standards, and it surpassed them. Because this was not the first incident, issues surrounding raising the baseball rails and throwing balls into the stands are now being reconsidered for safety reasons.

Visitor Comments (1)
So sad
Posted By ALICIAR on July 15, 2011
It's always tragic and unfortunate to lose a parent, family member and friend. I think this story is heartbreaking because he was spending time with his son, he was most likely going to give him the baseball as a remembrance of that day and sort of a trophy. I don't think raising the rails will prevent the urge of fans to lean over in hopes of catching a foul or winning ball. However, it may save a life or two. R.I.P Lt. Stone.
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