The election year is fast
approaching and the mud-slinging has begun in earnest.
Herman Cain has been accused of sexual harassment.
Mitt Romney has been accused of telling half-truths.
Rick Perry has been accused of being soft on illegal immigration.
The Democrats are saying government is the answer.
The Republicans are saying government is the problem.
That sentiment is dependent, however, on which party is in charge at any given moment.
The party adherents and publicists are assuring the American people that all ills and shortcomings will be corrected and addressed if you would only vote them into power.
If you fall for that, I have a good deal to offer on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Politicians and governments cannot and should not be trusted.
These are merely man-made institutions subject to all the frailties and varied emotions that plague mortal men. The Bible is correct in warning you not to trust in the arm of flesh as it will fail you.
The hardliners and tea party activists that are screaming and demanding change or nothing in accordance with their own principles cannot work in politics. Politics is the art of compromise and works best with a pragmatist. Mr. Obama is discovering that and so will his successor.
Since people are fickle and change their attitudes all the time, the politician who works best is the pragmatic and practical individual a la Bill Clinton.
Governments were and always will be only a part of the problem and part of the answer. Consider and ponder as you review the role of government throughout the ages.
Shall we explore what went down under the expressed orders and wishes of government?
The children of Israel served in Egypt with rigor and hard bondage for 400 years.
The children of Africa were stolen from their homeland and suffered slavery for more than 200 years.
A governor stood in front of a school house shouting segregation now, segregation tomorrow and
segregation forever.
Blacks had to ride in the back of the bus , drink only from a colored water fountain and use only a colored restroom.
It restricted the progress and movement of blacks in South Africa with onerous Pass Laws and the institution of Apartheid.
It condoned the slaughter of thousands of Tutsis in Rwanda.
It allowed the starvation and rape of millions in Darfur.
It caused the exile of the Dalai Lama and many of his countrymen.
It imprisoned and murdered millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and disabled people in Nazi Germany.
The list goes on and on.
So, whenever election time rolls around, vote because it is your civic duty and right. But please do not forget to go to work the next day even if your favorite candidate wins.
Always remember your strength, help, answer, solution and source is in Jehovah Jireh.