"I hate to see my people trying to live above themselves."
Tillie (Isabel Sanford) to Matt Drayton (Spencer Tracy) in Guess who's Coming to Dinner
FDR once said in an address to the nation that each American should be entitled to four freedoms: freedom of speech or expression, freedom to worship God in his own way, freedom from want, freedom from fear.
In this new year, as you reflect on your past, ponder your future and contemplate making that big step to securing your own freedom.
May I ask - what doth hinder you?
Perhaps, the answer is the box.
"What is the box?" you may ask.
It is a small enclosed space, with a small amount of time, small amount of resources, populated with people of small minds.
It is the box of culture, habits, opinions and self-loathing. The box is where things die and go to die.
It kills your
aspirations, hopes, dreams and goals.
It cries out,"Here comes that dreamer, let us slay him and put him in some pit and we shall see what will become of his dreams."
Remember, a coffin is also called a pine box.
Since we live in a negative world, constantly hearing defamations on every side, we retreat inside the box.
Our entire world is limited by that which we can see, touch, feel or easily experience. So, it is a discipline, stretch or exercise in faith to step outside the box and our comfort zone. Is it not ironic that the strangulation hold of the familiar can become comfortable?
But, where is the
fish? You may have to launch out in the deep and cast your net on the other
While life and God is manageable in the box, your spirit and the Almighty is calling you out to believe and grasp hold of what - in your mind - is impossible, unnatural or illogical.
Emancipation of the body has happened, but now you must "emancipate yourself from mental slavery." Losing can become a way of life and going to hell does not take any effort. Perhaps, nobody ever told you that winning also can become a way of life.
This is what He says,
promises and assures, that you will be:
Blessed in the city.
Blessed in the field.
Blessed in your basket and your store.
Blessed in the fruit of your womb.
Finally, you will be the head and not the tail, above and never beneath.
I dare you to believe.
I dare you to accept.
I dare you to become.