weight is one thing. Losing
your identity is another matter entirely.
The loss of
the former benefits you financially, physically,
The loss of
the latter damages you psychologically, spiritually,
You were created in the image of God.
Lest you forget, permit me to remind you that He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He authoritatively declares, "I am the only God and beside me there is no other."
He is unique. Therefore, you are unique. So there is no one exactly like you.
Nobody else with your job description.
No one else with your thoughts, dreams, goals and aspirations.
No one else with your relationship with Him.
Your creator, designer and architect does not make mistakes. Hence, your life and work is not a mistake. He told you to be perfect even as he is perfect.
He emphatically says that if you obey him, all the people of the world will see that you are blessed and they will be afraid of you. He declares that you are more than a conqueror.
Once you
have consulted him, obtained your instructions, received your marching orders, you
need no further advice.
Now my
question is, if you believe the above, subscribe to the foregoing, and are in
agreement with what has been said or written,
Is there static in the connection line to heaven? Is there failure or breakdown in communication? Is there something you misunderstood?
People are imperfect.
People have faults.
People are temporary and mortal.
People do not have all the facts.
People cannot see the end from the beginning.
People will mess you up.
People will cause you to lose your way.
So, as you go forward and seek to maintain your perfect shape, remember the matter is and never will be between "you" and "them."
It is and always will be between "you" and "Him."