A stronghold is a forceful stubborn argument, rationale, opinion, idea and/or
philosophy that is formed and resistant to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The
skillful use of spiritual weapons in spiritual warfare is required to break a
stronghold...The Greek word for stronghold is ochuroma. It means "to
fortify through the idea of holding something safely." Anything that
opposes Christ is his enemy, the devil, thus strongholds are from Satan and are
his demonic host. Thirdly, strongholds are so resilient that they require
weapons in order to combat them. They are not things you can talk down or
negotiate with. They don't go away with time. Spiritual strongholds will not be
complained away, regulated, or picketed down. They do not self-destruct. They
must be destroyed, brought down, obliterated, and demolished. One must wage
warfare when dealing with strongholds. An individual must have both a soldier's
attitude and a soldier's arms in order to overcome them.
[Taken from Breaking Strongholds in the African-American Family]
Scratching your glasses S U C K S.
Mine are prescription readers/drivers, so every day I go through a constant on-off dance. Whenever I wear my specs, letters and fonts become crisper. And they're supposed to help me better determine distances between objects as I drive.
I haul them off all the time. They bounce around in my work bag.So,
what's happened over time is that the lenses have gotten bruised.I can't
help but be distracted by the scratches. They cause blurriness. My eyes zoom in
and out when I wear my specs.I don't know whether to deal with the
headache that comes from straining to read without them--or, when on, the
dizziness that comes from my eyes dilating on account of the
scratches. Either route leads to migraines.
Anyway, this is all to say that a few years ago I was trapped in a
stronghold. Truthfully, I never thought I would overcome. (I don't
know if you know how pitiful that makes a person feel.)
It was cyclical...in and out, in and out.I tried pressing--even
succeeding for periods of time--but it was so much larger than me.I
was like "I'd rather deal with the risks and shame of staying here
then with the turmoil of weaning and stopping. Either route leads to
I can't pinpoint a day or an hour when my deliverance came. That whole era is a
blur to me today. Looking back, though, I just noticed that the quality of
my life gradually improved.Joy and laughter, peace and full nights'
rests, increased stability and good, clear judgment all started coming back. I began
dreaming again and was back to growing in Christ.After about a year,
I was restored and no longer missed that stronghold.
Jehovah God completely gets the credit...for real.
I like what the writer said in the quote above: there is no room for
niceness in warfare.I got tired of being a wimp, saying "Jesus,
I hate being here. Please rescue me. Oh, golly!"It got to a point
where I knew better. The lifestyle simply got old.
I shouted "I'm busting out! Jesus, I'm getting the Hell out
of here!!" Battling a stronghold takes snotty-nose
crying,sweating-your-perm-out pressing, and crawling-on-your-knees-with-an-outstretched-hand
desperation.It hurts like hell but gets us closer to heaven.
Understand that sanctification is slow. Wholeness didn't arrive overnight.
Indeed, I believe, by the God's grace, I'm free to write this NOW because I'm
no longer at a place where I glamorize struggle. I've always wondered if
there's a brand of Christianity thinks "going-through" is
fashionable. I'd like to think that I'm not blowing my trump or beating my
chest when I say I've been through some things, y'all. More than my pressing
through, however, I want to drive home the truth that we serve a "pressing
through"God.I want you all to also know deep within that the
best way to fight a stronghold is to never get in one at all.
From now on, I want to go through trials that are God's will and not disobedience's doing. Today, prevention and purity mean everything to me. Going back to my glasses, now.Had I been placing them in the case after each use, I wouldn't have the expensive task of replacing the lens.
Yeah, I could deal with my foggy, scratched glasses as is. They still
work.Many people have jacked up glasses and I can't see (pun intended)
how they do it.I say kudos to them. You know what, though? Someone just
told me about a liquid product that somewhat restores chips in glass (go
figure...that's actually all the scratches are: little chips). I just have
to rub a little on my glasses. Something about the molecules bonding back together.
IDK. I've never been much for alchemy or science, for that matter.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons
of warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong
holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself
against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ.
Hebrews 12:1
Let us lay aside every weight that so easily besets us.
Ana Valeska is a
not-so-naughty librarian, college instructor, book editor and--yeah,baby--NEWD
columnist. Her forthcoming work, Tu Eres (You Are), is a devotional
based on modern-day worship psalms. Ana Valeska longs to help
redeem urban, young adult culture for the Lord Jesus. Her
daughter, Selena, and cat, Puffles, have her wrapped around their little