Seductive Sing-A-Longs: The Hidden Mission of Today's Music Industry
May 2, 2012By Billy Delgado

Like many, music is an admitted passion and weakness of mine. 

When Rihanna's "We Found Love" came out, I found myself singing along like many of you. 

I am one who likes the intentional lyricism of Drake. I was a big Jay-Z fan. I had a crush on Beyonce (pre-Jay).  I've played some of their songs in weddings that I've DJ'd. 

Fairly recently, though, I've stumbled upon some findings that have shaken me to my core.

When I was a teenager, I lived in a roach infested apartment. If you know what it's like to share a flat with a roach clan, you know the everyday encounters you have with them. No matter how spic and span you and your family strive to keep the place, you'll find them in your food, in the bathroom, in your bed sheets, and they make babies at an alarming rate. If you've experienced an infestation, you'll know what it's like to walk into the kitchen in the middle of the night for a glass of water. When you turn on the lights, the roaches are having a Macy's Day Parade in your kitchen. Miami roach clans are actually having a Calle Ocho festival. Once they're exposed to the light, they freeze in fear, then panic and run to take cover in the crevices from which they crawled out. This is exactly what it's like when we uncover the roaches of the spiritual world, typically known as demons.

But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light - Ephesians 5:13

My experience with roaches as an adolescent has become a parable for my experience with the spiritual roaches of life. They're everywhere -- in your food, in your healthcare plan, in your prescriptions, in your leaders, in the economy, in education, in fashion, in public opinion, on your TV screen. They're in everything negatively impacting your life.

So, what shall we uncover today? Let's shed the proverbial light on the sounds blasting from your mp3 player, car radios, cable channels. Where exactly are the roaches hiding in the music industry?

Bear with me while I ask some questions that will build a foundation for this column.

If you were at war with an enemy, would you do everything in your power to study, scout, and strategize against your opponent? Do you think your enemy would be doing the same?

Many Christians believe that Lucifer, the high-ranking Angel who was removed from heaven, was the leader of worship in heaven. They believe he was a master musician and singer who once dedicated his "timbrels" to praising the Lord.

The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed Cherub... - Ezekiel 28:13-14

Theorists have posited that Lucifer (now satan) would find it advantageous to use his gifts to pervert the people of the Earth.

Hold that thought.

One day, while doing research for a music project I'm involved in, I was introduced to a music video that dissected the strategies satan uses to secretly indoctrinate mankind. I was floored by the YouTube analysts and how they broke everything down in detail, leaving no stone unturned.

The wardrobes. The satanic symbols. Pentagrams,pyramids, the all-seeing eye and satanic slogans. The lighting. The choreography. The subliminal messages. The extras. The dancers. The stage props. The witchcraft. The hidden messages. The lyrics. The backmasking (playing a song in reverse). The behind-the-scene concert footage revealing exactly what these artists think about God. The interviews revealing their intentions.

To my chagrin, these analysts uncovered the messages of satan neatly packaged in well-polished celebrities for the purpose of luring the young into reciprocating these same satanic messages.

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. - 2 Corinthians 11:14

However, I also learned that the satanic undertones are no longer as "under" as they were in years past.

If the music videos today were to play on the Ed Sullivan show in the 50s, there would be riots about it. Lady Gaga would probably have been hung in the 60s if she wore a meat dress on the Dick Clark show. Society wasn't ready for that kind of sensuality, rebellion and violence in music. So, satan conditioned the generations beginning with Elvis Presley who began desensitizing the youth to gyrating hips. In the 60s, the sexual revolution was introduced and hippies enabled the "free love" movement which was followed up by the highly-sensual music of disco in the 70s.

Hip Hop exploded in the 80s and gangsta rap followed in the 90s and now we have Lady Gaga. The rest is on-going history.

Remember, satan has had time on his hands since the fall of Adam and Eve to create, plan and execute a goal for a Godless, corrupt, immoral one-world government. Each generation has been first shocked, slowly conditioned, then desensitized to what they see in today's music and media.

We have literally cast off restraint in the name of "freedom" and "world peace" yet think nothing of these videos. "It's just art," we answer.

I've always known that satan MUST have a hand in music. It's logical because he seeks to subtly conform us to the image of his world. Why wouldn't he use music? Music prompts us to sing, dance, change our moods; music really affects our behavior. It only makes sense for satan to use it skillfully.

God tells us explicitly to put on His armor: swing a sword of Truth, wear a belt of faith, etc. All that sounds nice and dandy, but how serious is God?

For we do not wrestle against flesh & blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS AGE, against spiritual ARMIES in the HEAVENLY places - Ephesians -6:12 (emphasis mine)

Do the research yourself. Study the origin of the Beatles. Google the Rolling Stones' involvement with the occult. Investigate who was responsible for the hippy movement and LSD. Look up the numerous bands that confess to admire Satanists.

I feel like scales have fallen from my eyes because I actually see now that these celebrities are being used like puppets. Either that or they're being deliberate about their commitment to satan.

Think about it. If satan has a goal of controlling the entire world, then he must be very sophisticated and calculated about it. Long-term goals must be laid out. Both an administrative team and army must be in place to support the plan's execution. Laws and organizational tactics must be implemented to facilitate the transition.

Remember, he's an immortal spirit so he has ample time to orchestrate a strategy. Do you think he just recently said to himself, "Wait? The end times are coming! I better get crackin' at this Anti-Christ business!"

He's had millennia to study humans, their behavioral patterns and their weaknesses. And he's not ALONE. He convinced a third of the Angels as well as countless humans to join him in his plot.

I will no longer talk much with you, for the RULER OF THIS WORLD is coming and he has nothing in me - Jesus Christ in John 14:30

Satan hates the Lord but he wants to be Him. He knows there's no coming back so he probably deluded himself into believing that he can pull off a win in the battle of Armageddon. And he is trying to take down as many with him as possible. So, he's doing his best to destroy every single good thing God has created. Music included.

Satan is not some boogie man who is out to make your day miserable. He's not out to just make your car break down. He's not stressing that you go to church every Sunday. He's up to anti-Christ business as ruler of this world and, in order for him to set up an anti-Christ government, he must involve himself IN the governments of this world. Satan is not omnipresent or omnipotent or omniscient, so he'll send his underlings to stress your day out, be your boogie man, occupy you with nonsense and keep you blind from the power you have. Satan himself has got bigger fish to fry.

If Satan is involving himself within governments to ensure that a new world order ensues, would it behoove him to use people of influence? Say celebrities? Idols that people look up to?

Would he use the media, movies, videos games and music? Would he use our favorite actors and singers?

We are not only being poisoned and demoralized by the entertainment we listen to and watch, we are being mentally conditioned, prepared - even - for the takeover of the RULER OF THIS WORLD. We are being conditioned to kill ourselves through drugs, sexual immorality and violence. If we're not active participants, then we are being conditioned (desensitized) into shrugging our shoulders and saying "Oh well, it is what it is..."

Am I reading too much into it? If you don't believe in God and the existence of evil beings, sure, it sounds crazy. It's just "shock value" to you. I can't tell you what these videos showed. It's too much. I've linked them so you can judge for yourselves. I'm only hoping to elicit thought and I leave it up to you to decide if this is just paranoia or a legitimate assault by evil incarnate.

Suspicious Evidence

· Lady Gaga telling her audience "I hate the truth and I'd much rather deal with the B.S. (details spared) of this world." Calling her art a "lie."

· Nicki Minaj performing demonic possession at the Grammy's.

· Madonna's re-enactment of rituals of the mystery religions of Egypt at the Superbowl.

· Various satanic symbols in Rihanna's videos.

· Jay-Z wearing a sweater with print that reads, "Do what thou wilt" which is a famous quote from the late sexually depraved, feces-eating, satanic demoniac Aleister Crowley.

· The blatant Masonic symbols on his Roc-A-Wear apparel line.

· Beyonce wearing a suit from a satanic movie.

· Kanye West rapping "I sold my soul to the devil, I know it's a crappy deal..."

The list goes on and on. Coincidences? These "gimmicks" run deeper than shock value and these artists are in for a real shock.

Some may ask: are these artists in on it? That's not for me to judge. Let's say that they're ignorant of the scheme they're party to. Does that negate the fact that they are puppets of this obvious attack on our youth? Are they mind controlled? Have they really sold their soul for riches and fame? Does it even matter? They've chosen to serve this world. They made their decision on what's most important to them.

Beyonce, in an interview early in her career, doles out the good things that her church had done and now she gyrates HEAVILY on stage to become a sexual fantasy to millions of men (and women) while Mom and Dad smile in admiration of their successful "Destiny" child.

Having giving you just an idea of the character of satan, let's bring it back to the YouTube videos. I was introduced to this video of Lady Gaga. It was an analysis of the demonic messages hidden in her videos. Lady Gaga seems like an easy target because she's obviously loony. Girl wears a dress made of dead cow flesh and WE SIMPLY DISMISS HER AS CRAZY. That's it. No uproar. She was the talk of the town for the month and we haven't talked about it since. We don't consider the spiritual implications of her behavior.

I must warn you, you may find these videos offensive. You may find it to be conspiracy theory fodder. Your curiosity may get piqued. You'll probably blow it off like it's not that serious. I don't want anybody to lose sight of how mighty our God is when they see how RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS AGE are involved in just about everything in order to fully realize their goal. It can be saddening, too, because of the amount of people participating in this demoralizing machine.

I'm also amazed at how these people that uploaded these videos are so perceptive of the messages behind the videos. I never noticed them before. They call it "hidden in plain sight." They're either earning masters degrees in media theory and sociology and/or have divine gifts of discernment.

...Your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour - 1 Peter 5:8

Honestly, I hate to sound like a loony but I sincerely feel this needs to be exposed to the light. I don't think Christians should walk in life ignorant of the wiles of the devil. I, especially, don't think Christian musicians should minister without knowing what they're up against. The life of the Christian musician becomes a little clearer when you see the opposition. Jesus compared us to sheep and, if you know sheep, they can be vulnerable to all types of predators when they're not close to The Shepherd.

If we know the strategies of our enemy, we're less apt to fall into his traps. We can identify the schemes when we see the patterns. I've been weaning myself off of secular music slowly but surely and, after these videos, I've almost stopped cold turkey. I'm still a work in progress but am I going to continue bombarding my mind with garbage?

Think about it. If someone handed you some chocolate bars that you knew to be poisoned, would you still eat them? That's almost all of the music you hear daily. Poisoned candy. Let's cast the light on these roaches. Or repeat after me in the voice of Tony Montana in the movie Scarface, "I bury those cock-a-roaches!"

This will be a 3 part series. Next week, we'll look into symbols and witchcraft in the Music Industry.

The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.

Visitor Comments (1)
my thoughts about it
Posted By STACYPEARL on August 31, 2012
I started reading your article just this moment and this is my first time to read an article about satanic issues. I'm a Christian, and really a believer of our God almighty. I am not that much convinced of all of this kind of issues but I'm making myself open to understand and to have knowledge of these. Many of my friends and a teacher of mine are talking about satanic issues and I don't know if i should sink this into my mind or just focus to my beliefs that with GOD satan could not rule us. These issues really made me more confused and I'm beggining to be more curious. I appreciate your article, although it's creepy to read and to know that these are really now existing without of people knowing it. I really don't have that much knowledge but I want to know more about these, as what I've said, my friends keep on telling me about this and I became interested to it that's why I was caught by your article. It's good to know your a christian. I appreciate your willingness to share this to people specially like me who haven't know yet about this. This helps us and warns us to be aware.
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