Once again, have you
ever wondered why certain actions are so illogical, unreasonable, unexplainable,
evil or demonic? Have you noticed that no segment of society is immune from
corrupt despicable deeds?
There is a dark side, an ugly flaw in man that is stoked by the demons of hell. We have recorded songs like "I did it my way." We have glorified the "Don Quijotes" of this world. We have applauded the mavericks. We have admired the men who played by their own rules.
Still, in our blissful ignorance, we have forgotten the warning, "THERE IS A WAY THAT SEEMS RIGHT UNTO MAN BUT THE END THEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF DEATH."
So we arrive at:
World Trade Center
Oklahoma City
Virginia Tech
Penn State
People who are hell bent and determined that it must be my way or no way. People who assume a god-like stance that I alone am right, all others are wrong. If they do not bend to my will, they must be destroyed and eradicated. It has been reported the Colorado shooter purchased a gun one day after failing an oral exam. Since failure is the fault of somebody else, we think that person must be held in account, chastised and punished. People cannot handle insult, injury, humility or disagreement. They defiantly resist change, tolerance, accommodation and new ideas.
They are unable to grasp or understand that life is not a one way street for them only. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. The wheat and tares must grow together until the day of harvest. Change will and must occur whether we are willing, ready or not. You cannot turn back the hands of time. When a bigger wind comes, the big tree must bend or be lifted out by its roots.
Therefore, in a recalcitrant frame of mind they become:
Mass murderers
Child molesters
And we become witnesses to:
Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia
Apartheid in South Africa.
Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda
Lynchings in Mississippi and the south.
When will we ever learn to let go, that we cannot control every circumstance. Pulled by the past, we cannot focus on the future.
It is what it is.
Learn to be content and live with it.
Concentrate on mastering your own spirit which takes a lifetime of work.
You are not omniscient.
You are not omnipotent.
You are not omnipresent.
You are not Alpha and Omega.
Sunrise and sunset, you do not command.
There are a myriad of things beyond your control and influence.
The world did not begin at your birth and will not end at your passing.
Forget trying to shape and form life to your own terms. This will only lead to heartache, disappointment, destruction and devastation. Instead do what you can.
Do your best. Leave everyone and everything else unto He who is perfect. The one who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask, think or imagine.
He sees.
He knows.
He has the whole world in his hands.
It may seem long but a change is coming and it will turn out all right.
Knowles is a husband and father with an interest in penning issues that
serve to uplift mankind. He melds his love for Classic literature, The
Bible and pop culture - as sordid as it may be - into highly relatable
columns of truth, faith and justice. Hence the name: Just Thinking. If
he's not buried in a book or penning his next column, you may find him
pinned to his sectional watching a good old Country and Western flick.