years ago, I was rooting for Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee to win the 2008
Republican race for Presidency. This year I was rooting for Rick Santorum.
These Presidential candidates were known to be public and outspoken about their
faith. They weren't afraid to say what was right and wrong. They stood for
family values. What's a Christian not to like about them?
I'll tell you what's not to like about them. They keep losing! And losers never
win! But on the real, it seems like "ultra" conservative politicians
consistently lose on the voting ballot. The people have spoken. Nobody wants a
President telling them what they shouldn't be doing. They want someone who will
basically let them do what they want except for murder, of course. Gotta draw a
line somewhere right?
In the midst of cheering for these title contenders only to watch them lose...again...I start to develop a resentment for the "winners." I start to concede that the world is inevitably going to end and there is nothing I can do about it. The economies will crash and Antichrist will come to make himself look like the political hero out of left field and every Biblically ignorant citizen will follow the pied piper's flute. So I'm left to settle for these Presidents who, to me, appear to be puppets to the new world order's agenda.
will continue to allow the U.S. to de-industrialize and outsource our labor,
allow abortion to evolve into deeper depraved methods with government-backed
funding, continue pushing anything related to Christianity out the door, and
propaganda of sexual perversion will pretty much be in your face everywhere you
look, not to mention all the other eroding values we USED to have.
Then, I began studying the book of Daniel. It feels like I've been studying and re-studying this book forever. It's fascinating and it's also eerily accurate concerning past. That's right. These events all occurred AFTER it was written and its currently accurate with regard to this generation. Daniel was "beloved" of the Lord and the Lord Jesus re-affirmed Daniel's importance to prophecy in Matthew 24:15 when he said "...you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever reads, let him understand)."
In other words, the Book of Daniel carries
weight in God's eyes and so should we. I love reading it because I'm amazed at
Daniel's uncompromising devotion to the Lord, his life story, the workings of
the spiritual realm, and the precise visions he would receive from the Lord
that would predict the future.
He was the prophet that predicted the Babylonian Empire's demise, the Medo-Persian Empire lead by Cyrus the Great, the Greek Empire lead by Alexander the Great, the Roman empire. And, now, many students of this book lay back and watch to see how the last great Antichrist empire will arise.
How is
this book related to Presidential candidates? Well, it's reading has softened
my heart toward current President Barack Obama and newcomer opponent Mitt
Obama doesn't put devaluing human life and abortion in the same basket. His
administration wants to legislate aborting a child even AFTER birth and it
doesn't appear to bother Obama one bit, despite the grotesqueness and severity
of eliminating the life of a human. He has also changed his mind about gay
marriage and now supports it. Mitt
Romney is a Mormon and you'll understand my distrust of the Mormon church after
you've read their history and beliefs.
But no matter what the world plots, it will fail in the end.
It's interesting to note in the Bible that God chose the pagan kings who would rule the ancient-known world. He voted them in office. King Cyrus was prophesied BY NAME in the book of Isaiah 175 years before he conquered the Babylonian empire. God went as far as to call Cyrus His "anointed" and "shepherd" who would do the Lord's pleasure. All this, despite Cyrus not knowing anything about the God of Israel. God basically said of Cyrus, "I chose you even though you don't know who I AM" (I'm paraphrasing).
Did God
care about what gentile rulers and nations did? Certainly. He gave merciless
King Nebuchadnezzar a chance to repent of his pride before God turned him into
a madman. He warned the city of Nineveh of their cruelty and gave them a second
chance to escape judgment. He judged King Herod for playing god in the book of
Acts. He used Babylon to punish His own rebellious people and scattered them abroad
to be held captive. And these were wicked rulers.
shows murals of Nineveh's brutality in war. The Assyrians would skin prisoners
alive, impale them on poles, gouge their eyes out among other vicious treatment
of their captives. King Nebuchadnezzar set out to kill all his advisers because
they couldn't interpret his dream. Even Israel's own, King Solomon, in his
backsliding days, made altars to Molech: a pagan god to which followers would
sacrifice their children by fire. Yet, I can't find a way to love the Boss in
the White House? Obama hasn't impaled any terrorists. Mitt Romney hasn't
skinned any petty thieves.
If the
Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, then He must surely keep an eye
on his anointed in the White House despite their godless policies and eroding
morals. He has chosen a winner already. That's not to say that we don't make a
conscious effort to vote and make a difference because we do. There are
consequences to our choices. He will give us what we want and voted for but it's
still His decision in the end.
According to Yahoo.com, when asked about his faith, Obama did indeed acknowledge he was a Christian and added, "I do my best to live out my faith, and to stay in the Word, and to make my life look more like His (Jesus Christ)." Mitt Romney answered the same question saying, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and savior of mankind." At first read, you get warm and fuzzy feelings but wisdom reminds you that love is an action and not words.
they simply confessing these words to appease the right-wing masses? Maybe,
maybe not. Only God knows the heart of a man. It's not for me to judge. But I
now understand why the Apostle Paul commanded us to pray and submit to those in
positions of authority in the government (Acts 13). It is because they have
been appointed into these positions by God. Yes, I get upset when the current
death toll of aborted babies have reached more than 50 million since Roe vs.
Wade, according to The Alan Guttmacher Institute, and no President has lost sleep
over it.
Yes, I
want for our country what King Josiah did for Israel, a spiritual revival in
the land. But it's all boils down to what God wants and His sovereign will
because everything moves with clockwork accuracy on His watch.
matter who wins the election, God is still in charge. God can still use
unbelieving leaders to fulfill his purposes whether that be someone like the
late dictator Kim Jong-il or the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. The book of Daniel
goes to show you that even though I feel we're getting these sorry, sad bunch
of politicians in office and they continue to purge God out of our leadership
and culture, God is still in control. We may be captives (in the physical) to
their policies, health care methods and economic manipulation but there is
nothing to fear. We're not losing. We are in Charlie Sheen's words "Winning!
Duh!" It's not to say that we stop fighting injustices, evils and speak out
against immorality but if we do lose battles, God still wins the war in the
there is a final horrible empire that will rise according to the prophet. Scholars
suggest that it will happen in our lifetime. The signs point to Europe and the
United States role is nowhere found in the bible. I have no clue as to how our
American leaders have or will contribute to the end times aside from what our
society has already accomplished in the negative sense. I just hope that our
next leader is more like King Josiah than King Nebuchadnezzar. Either way, it's
all good 'cuz God is in control anyway.
The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap,
Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping
pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band
The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring
lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching
all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's
a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and
Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.