Spiritual Warfare University in South Florida
September 5, 2012 • By Tiffani Knowles

New York Times-featured preacher who is an expert in deliverance is coming to South Florida to host Spiritual Warfare University - a special deliverance conference designed to teach attendees the scriptural basis for deliverance, how demons come and out, how to defend yourself against evil powers, etc.
Pastor K. Femi Akojenu of New York's LifeZone Church will be conducting sessions where he will be instructing attendees as well as conducting deliverance sessions. It takes place September 21 and 22 at 6140 NW 11th St. Sunrise, Fl 33311
Here is a YouTube link featuring Akojenu.
To register, call 718-787-5268 or visit www.deliverancezone.com. Registrations is $25.
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