A note to
Bull O'Connor, Byron De La Beckwith,Ty Cobb et.al. racists and misanthropes
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
With increasing melancholy and sadness I observed two different views of life this week.
One was the ugly incident with the CNN camerawoman at the Republican National Convention. Two delegates approached an African-American employee of the news network, tossing peanuts in her direction, proudly declaring, "this is how we feed the animals." Moreover, this is not the first time she has been ill-treated. She had been victimized in Argentina, Brazil and other places.
The second is the T D Jakes' sermon series on how one should "live on purpose" in accordance with the will of God.
For those of us who choose to adhere to the former and ignore the latter, who consider it hilarious to humiliate and denigrate another human being, let me state that, in addition to being haughty and arrogant, you are a supreme egoist. Blinded and deluded by hate you have evidently arrived at certain assumptions. Apparently you are totally convinced that you are eternally young. You are immortal. The winds of life are always favorable to your ship. There are no hidden rocks, shoals or reefs to endanger your vessel as you sail blithely along on calm smooth seas.
The car you are
traveling in will never incur a mechanical failure or suffer a breakdown. The
airplane in which you are a passenger will not crash or run out of fuel as it
soars above the clouds of despair which afflict mere mortals.
Therefore, since you are invincible and all-sufficient, you will never grow old or become sick and helpless. From birth, your children will inherit all your advantages as you will be certain to pass your legacy on to them.
There is no need to concern yourself with petty notions such as:
do unto others as you would have others do unto you,the Biblical admonition about oppressing the stranger or foreigner since you were strangers once in Egypt.
So the Indian doctor, Jewish banker, Jamaican nanny or nurse, African-American teacher or coach dare not mess with you. The animals know their place and their master. They are so intimidated and docile that they would not have the audacity to ponder retribution or payback for any insult or injury. They are fully aware who is boss and has everything, everywhere under his control.
However, the rest of us, as we fall to our knees, pleading "Father, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," remember you in prayer. We weak dependent individuals who recognize our frailties and limitations who understand that meekness is not a flaw, gentleness is not a fault and compassion for others is not a shortcoming.
We realize that goodness is not a failing and evil is not strength. Being nasty is not a virtue and being nice is not a vice.
We subscribe to the belief that all human beings are designed by their heavenly Maker and endowed with a divine purpose. To demean or devalue any person is a slap in the face of our Creator.
We know that we will grow old and someday need assistance from someone we meet along the way.
Therefore, we are
careful to treat people with respect and dignity on the way up the mountain of
One never knows if he or she will meet those same or similar people on the downside of the hill. We believe that we will die someday and will be judged by our Savior for the things we have done on this earth. We acknowledge his authority and know that He is watching everything we do. So even though we may escape unscathed with something on this side, there will be a day of of reckoning and accounting on the other. There are no make-ups or do-overs, we must do and get it right this time. Also, circumstances tell us our days are fleeting and the sands in the hourglass are almost gone.
Now, I appreciate that you may regard such thoughts and ideas as simplistic and naive. Your actions clearly demonstrate that you have no respect for a higher authority.
However, since you or
I were not there at the beginning, let me pose to you an intriguing question.
"What if you are wrong?"
If we are wrong, when we pass on we leave the world a better place than we found it. Our bequest will be treasured and fondly remembered. Your departure will become memories of an unpleasant existence and an unhappy period. While on the other side of death, you will be confronted with explaining your wicked acts to a true and impartial judge. Now, the wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine. Because it is delayed, as your heart becomes fully inclined to do evil, do not forget that the pendulum of life swings both ways.
I adjure you, ponder carefully the path of your steps.
Reconsider your ways.
Heed His warning that says, "Behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me to give unto every man according as his work shall be."
Pay keen attention to his declaration, "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord and I will repay."
Knowles is a husband and father with an interest in penning issues that
serve to uplift mankind. He melds his love for Classic literature, The
Bible and pop culture - as sordid as it may be - into highly relatable
columns of truth, faith and justice. Hence the name: Just Thinking. If
he's not buried in a book or penning his next column, you may find him
pinned to his sectional watching a good old Country and Western flick.