Natural Hairnamix: The Greenhouse Effect
October 31, 2013By Rossette Allen

I know you may be looking all wide-eyed and thinking I’m crazy at the sight of the topic of this column. No, I’m not getting all environmental on you and no I’m not referring to your luscious head of hair as a bush, plant, tree or any of that stuff. We know our natural hair community is famous for creating some of the most unique and interesting procedures for natural hair care, and as unique as the processes are, so are the titles that are assigned to them. Pre-poo, co-wash, and baggy method are but a few of the techniques that originated in the natural hair community. Most of these processes are applied with the intent of achieving either softer, longer or more manageable hair.


The Green House Effect (GHE) procedure for natural hair is no different. The GHE is a natural and effective means of achieving hair growth. I know that is not everyone’s goal but I am confident that a significant number of persons, natural and relaxed alike, have that as a top ambition concerning their hair. Not unlike the scientific or environmental Green House Effect, this process for natural hair works by trapping heat in the hair and thus creating much needed moisture that will ultimately stimulate growth.






·       Moisturizes Hair

·       Hair Growth

·       Combats Dryness

·       Naturally Softens Hair






1. Apply Natural Oils


Natural oils such as Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil or any other carrier oil for that matter is applied to the hair. The oil/s is smoothed down the entire length of hair from roots to tips. Ideally, the oil should not be applied to the actual scalp as the process is intended to stimulate the healthy production of sebum, which is the natural oil that the scalp produces. This is known to create a platform for healthy hair growth. This step, although optional, is highly recommended as it will result in softer, shinier and healthier looking hair.




2. Style Hair as Desired


After oil is applied place your hair in your protective style of choice. It can be placed in a bun, two strand twisted, plaited, wrapped in Bantu Knots or whichever style you desire. It is crucial that the ends of the hair are protected during the process in order to prevent tangles and to help seal in and concentrate the moisture especially on the ends of the hair.



3. Cover Hair with Plastic Cap


This is the key step to achieving the greenhouse effect on your hair. A plastic cap, plastic bag or clear wrap can be used to cover the hair. This traps heat into the hair and causes it to produce moisture. Placing the hair under plastic generates heat that will cause moisture to penetrate the hair strands. In some cases an extra plastic cap is added to produce additional heat. The plastic can be left on overnight for effective results but can also be worn for a couple hours and still bear results.





4. Cover Plastic Cap with a Scarf



The plastic cap is designed to create moisture. The scarf is added to secure the plastic cap and to help generate additional heat. The scarf should be secured tightly as the plastic cap has a tendency to slide off easily.





5. Cover with a Towel Cap



This is a bonus step which really gets the moisture going on. Towel caps are ideal for using as the final step in the GHE method. This may not be readily available so a regular towel or an old t-shirt may be wrapped around the scarf.












The GHE method is somewhat similar to the baggy method except that in the baggy method the hair is generally moisturized before covered and typically only the ends of the hair are placed under the plastic bag. In the GHE method, the entire hair is covered and no moisturizer is added. If your hair is dry and dull and needs a boost of life, this method of moisture restoration and growth stimulation will not disappoint. The method can be done up to three times per week but there is really no hard and fast rule. When the coverings are removed the hair will be a little damp so if you need to style your hair at a certain time, be sure to remove them at least 30 minutes in advance to allow the hair to air dry. Once that is done, the hair can be styled as desired.



The immediate hair growth benefits may not be easily achieved but the method may be deemed as having mainly moisturizing benefits. The truth is that soft, shiny, moisturized hair is often healthier. Not having to contend with dryness, brittleness and breakage is the first step to achieving and retaining hair growth. The GHE introduces moisture to the scalp, creating a healthy environment for it to thrive. Applying this natural hair technique will give your mane the life and vitality that it truly needs.






Candie's Natural Hairnamix was birthed a few months after Jamaican native Rossette "Candie" Allen began her natural hair journey in May 2010. She gears this column toward naturals, transitioning naturals, aspiring naturals and the naturally curious, sharing experiences, expertise and experiments while celebrating emancipation from chemical slavery.


Visitor Comments (1)
RE: ghe
Posted By SAYONISANDRINE on March 21, 2015
[QUOTE]sayonisandrine said: Bonjour ? toutes,

Cette m?thode convient ? mes cheveux et les rends en sant?. je suis enchant?e car je n'ai plus de casse et je retiens mes longueurs!
Tous les 3j je vaporise mes cheveux avec de l'eau min?rale et je scelle avec une huile soit moringa, coco,p?pins de raisin ou ricin ensuite je mets mon bonnet de douche pour dormir. Voil? une m?thode qui ne me demande pas trop d'effort!
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