Have you ever noticed that everyone is an expert on what is wrong with the world and he or she or his or her "in crowd” have all the right answers? They are ever ready to point out and highlight something in the other guys that they are unable to produce or manifest in their own lives.
From the beginning of time until the present day men have insisted on going their own way and doing their own thing despite the Biblical warning ,”There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death.” The way of man is not in him. It is not in man to direct his own steps.
Joel 3:10 puts it even more succinctly, ‘"They do not know how to do right,” declares the Lord.”’
Only God alone who knows the end from the beginning is right all the time. Notwithstanding some wisdom found in a multitude of counselors, you must understand that they have a limited perspective. Therefore, your final decision must be based on the word of God and your individual sincere relationship with Him.
Listen again to what he told Joshua, the man who stood in Moses’ place and conquered the Promised Land. "This book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth. Meditate upon it day and night. Seek to do everything that is written therein. Turn not to the right, nor the left. Then thou shalt make thine own way prosperous and thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8
In effect, God was telling him, "Let me do the thinking and planning. I got this. Just follow my lead.” He was assuring Joshua that He is the way, the truth and the life. He was making the leader aware that man’s opinions and thoughts change according to the weather, emotions and circumstances. As I have often said in these columns, you only have one shot at this life and it demands that you do it perfectly all the time. You cannot heed the often contradictory unreliable advice of an imperfect man. You must pay attention to a perfect God who has been there and done that.
That advice, which was good enough for the Hebrew children, is still good enough for us today.
Nevertheless, like them we are a stiff-necked generation, stubbornly persisting like petulant children on having our own way. Furthermore, when things do not work out as planned, hoped and expected we engage in a warfare of words and even worse. We bitterly complain, viciously accuse each other and ultimately discouragement sets in and nothing is accomplished.
In this - an election year - I find it amusing at the verbal exchanges between the Republican/Democratic candidates, strategists, damage control specialists and spin control artists. Whilst reading and listening to the adherents of both sides, I find new appreciation for the conclusion expressed in the old Temptations song, - a ball of confusion.
Pat Buchanan, a Republican leaning pundit wrote in a commentary entitled, "Is Democracy another god that failed?” The core belief of liberalism, the political philosophy that has guided the Democratic party since FDR’s New Deal - that competent, caring, compassionate government is the instrument best suited to addressing America’s social disorders - is being fatally undermined.”
Now core Republican beliefs are small government, strong military and big unfettered businesses which they say are the answers to America’s problems.
Presently, the Republicans are castigating President Obama about the Benghazi tragedy, the VA scandal and the Bergdahl prisoner exchange. How quickly we forget that Ronald Reagan, a Republican darling, did the same thing with Iran Contra Affair?
All men are capable of good and evil. No matter which side of the equation, there are good and bad people. Man is just a complex creature.
Any man’s ship of life that is not being piloted by an all-knowing God is liable to sink into failure and disappoint you. Every human being needs an accurate moral compass that only the Savior can provide. Every man, no matter how strong and powerful, has an Achilles’ heel. It is worth noting that Reagan was an actor before he became President and both he and his wife often consulted psychics.
Here also is a conundrum. How do you support and maintain a strong military, its material and weapons needs without big government contracts to arms suppliers? In many communities in America, government is the biggest employer. Indeed the ultimate goal of many and the avenue to prosperity and profit for countless firms is that big government contract. So, as reported in 1988, we have companies charging the government $100 for a screw (no pun intended) and $400 for a hammer.
Moreover, the consequence of unregulated business will be those altruistic folks at Enron, Tyco and considerate, tenderhearted, generous titans like Bernie Ebbers and Bernie Madoff.
Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative political analyst mentioned in one of her articles, "The Immigration And Nationality Act of 1965” scrapped our immigration system that had been in place since1924 and replaced it with admitting large numbers of Latin Americans, Africans and Asians instead of Western Europeans. This greatly increased the number of immigrants with welfare and public education costs.”
The obvious inference here is that these people are to blame for America’s plight.
Yet Cal Thomas, author of the book, "What Works” reminded us about about The Sunday Times magazine piece which posed the question, "Western democracy is on its last legs, crushed under the weight of a bloated state?” The story suggests that the West look East where the Asian model- minimal welfare, restricted rights- is producing the world’s most successful societies.
Well! What is it?
Here is a point to ponder. Much of Western thought, value system, laws and culture have been influenced by a Semitic itinerant carpenter/preacher. He was born in Bethlehem, a town on the west bank of the Jordan river. He resided for a time in Egypt. He launched his unforgettable career from a forlorn forgettable town called Nazareth in the state of Israel. He never stepped foot out of the Middle East.
Perhaps the people from that region who migrate to America are lazy deadbeats in search of a government handout.
There is no ethnic group, segment of society or corner of the globe with a monopoly on hard work, discipline, ethics and upward mobility. All people are capable of the same things and susceptible to the same temptations.
Psalm 14 records what God saw when He peered down upon the earth.”God looked down from heaven upon the family of men. They were altogether filthy. There was none that doeth good. No not one.”
The Democrats - in their rush to be fair, impartial and accommodating - have advocated abortion rights, no prayer in schools, homosexual marriage and the acceptance of the notion that there are many legitimate ways to the kingdom of God.
This attitude persists, even though Jesus said,” I have other sheep who are not of this fold. Them also I must bring so that there is one shepherd and one fold.” He further stated that He is the only way to the Father.
One must be very careful that being fair and accommodating does not land you in a "hell” of trouble.
According to The Miami Herald, in the past, South Florida’s arrests accounted for the majority of Medicare fraud suspects busted in a coordinated nationwide take-down. In total, 90 doctors, nurses, clinic operators, patient recruiters and patients were charged with collectively filing $260 million in false Medicare claims.”
Employees at a Liberty City grocery store in Miami-Dade County called Gina's Supermarket handed out $4.2 million in cash from benefits cards, keeping half for themselves, during a three-year period before getting busted in 2007, the Miami Herald reported at the time.”
What is the common thread that connects all of these events and situations?
It is weak, simple people.
The Biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, authored by Solomon - the wisest man who ever lived - are deep profound observations of the human condition. Yet Solomon was unable to follow his own advice throughout his life and Rehoboam, his son, was a complete disaster. Power, influence, wealth and wisdom do not necessarily translate into exemplary behavior.
All ideas and projects are feasible, honorable, well-intentioned and workable until people are introduced into the equations. The Garden of Eden is a prime example. Because of the fallen condition of this world all noble ideals are prone to be distorted, twisted and corrupted. A solution to one problem creates another.
Without an uninterrupted connection to God and direction from Him, we are hapless. helpless children like the befuddled youngster in the nursery rhyme- "Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn’t know where to find them.”
Otherwise, we are like the sheep who have gone astray.
We do not know who and whose we are.
We do not know where we are.
We do not know how to get where we need to go.
We wander from place to place trying to do the right thing and wonder how did it all go wrong.
The answer and solution is right where you left it at the beginning of your odyssey in the wilderness. Like the Prodigal Son, you must arise and return to your Father.
Then and only then in face of death, destruction and difficulty you will be able to confidently affirm for you and your country:
V. Knowles is a husband and father with an interest in penning issues that serve to uplift mankind. He melds his love for Classic literature, The Bible and pop culture - as sordid as it may be - into highly relatable columns of truth, faith and justice. Hence the name: Just Thinking. If he's not buried in a book or penning his next column, you may find him pinned to his sectional watching a good old Country and Western flick.