The Male Room: 7 Tips to Keep Your Man
July 23, 2014By Enrico Knowles

Being that women outnumber men in this country and ESPECIALLY in churches, the Male Room knew you women probably had to wait a long time before some Christian young stud finally noticed you.  So that being said, how do you know if he is the right one and, if he is, how do I keep this relationship solid until premarital counseling.  I offer these 7 tips.


Tip 1:  A man might be initially attracted to you because of the way you look but a man does not marry a woman for her beauty; he marries her because of how he feels in her presence. Example: Do you like to ride motorcycles or rollercoasters like him or do you laugh at all jokes? 


 Tip 2: A man confides in the woman he trusts. Example: If he’s never told you about his money, his weaknesses or his fears, then he doesn’t trust you. 


Tip 3: Attention is not necessarily admiration. Example: Just because a guy talks to you in the lobby of your church, that does not mean he likes you or is trying to be your future husband.


Tip 4: There is one reason for your confusion; you have not asked him enough questions. Example: If he does not ever talk about his family, don’t wonder why, ask why.    


Tip 5: Your desire to please him reveals character. Your ability to please him requires training. Example: Always maintain your drive to be a better wife but understand you will step on his toes and at times you will upset him, but in time, you will get better. Don’t worry. It comes with the territory.


Tip 6: All men are demanding. What they demand is the difference. Listen carefully to his words. Example: Does he expect you to have food for him when you get home even though you are working  eight hours with a long drive home in traffic?


Tip 7: Criticism weakens your influence over him. Men stop listening to sounds of disapproval. Example: Do not demean him; give him constructive criticism or advice with a soft tone and then drop it. If it’s a good idea, he will definitely use it and later make it seem like it was his all along.     


To be continued…




I do not claim to be a relationship expert or claim to be an expert in knowing how women think, but what I am an expert in…. is thinking like a man.


 Stay manly my friends!

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