“This is what the Lord says to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut.”
– Isaiah 45:1
"He's a clown! He's a decoy! He's a distraction from serious candidates! He's been placed there to help Hillary win! How could you vote for such a buffoon when avowed Christians such as Dr. Ben Carson are running for President! He's there because of his celebrity! He says a bunch of nonsense and gets all the attention! How did he even get this far!? These are the worst choices I've ever had to pick from! America deserves this!"
These are the things I said this past year regarding our new President Donald Trump.
But, the game has now changed. The Trump era has begun. Drain the swamp. Build that wall. Lock her up. And all the other in-your-face hyperboles our new president has been known for are now what stand before us. Of all clergyman, televangelist Paula White recited a prayer (who knew?!). With CNN hinting how Barack Obama can remain in office, bikers traversing across country to offer protection, Rosie O'Donnell calling for martial law, celebrity anti-Trump videos, demonstrators showing up in droves, Project Veritas exposing the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition’s plans to drop a chemical stink bomb during the ceremony, and on and on.
Against all this opposition, Trump has finally made it in. Alas, as of this column, peace has prevailed!
Trump had that signature pouty frown that grew into a smile; he gave a thumbs up and approached the stage to an applauding crowd. He graciously kissed the former First Lady on the cheek (I wondered what was going through her mind) and extended his gratitude to former President Obama. Forever Trumpers peppered the crowd.
He spoke of citizens becoming the ruler of this land again. The “American carnage stops right here and right now…we will bring back our jobs, borders, wealth and dreams…buy American and hire American…America belongs to the people.”
Trump offered tough talk on terrorism and indirectly made his feelings known about past administrations. He was blunt, unusually serious and laid down what he intended to do.
Just in case you were wondering, the answer is yes, I voted for Donald Trump. How in the world did he win, though? Here was my rationale and perhaps the rationale of many like me. My first choice was Dr. Ben Carson and then he gracefully bowed out of the race. Ted Cruz was my next choice and then he dropped out. Hillary Clinton was not a friend of the church and I found her to be a fast-forward button to destruction and judgment for this country. Bernie Sanders? I could respect his spunk and intelligence but he was too much of a socialist for me.
So, it was down to the Donald and Hillary Clinton. Sigh...I had to pick the "lesser of two evils" and I remember being so underwhelmed at my options. Maybe we, as a country, deserved this. Immorality was rampant in our media, our government is a war-mongering global bully, the American church resembled the church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation and so every believer was expecting judgment-- beginning with either Clinton or Trump.
I looked into the matter to see what was the big “whoopity-doo” about Trump and I got intrigued. I discovered that media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC constantly portrayed him to be a racist and xenophobe by taking his quotes out of context. Any interviewee that had anything positive to say about Trump was taken off the air. Anchors were caught swearing allegiance to Hillary. Project Veritas, a non-profit news organization, revealed an undercover video of the DNC using tactics to incite fights at Trump rallies and riots in Chicago. It was rumored that Donna Brazile provided the debate questions to Clinton before the debate - illegal.
I got disgusted. I was definitely not voting for Hillary. I had read too much about her corruption prior to the election. Benghazi, her foundation's relationship with Haiti, her questionable health, and the FBI investigation. Then, Wikileaks released her emails and those of campaign chairman John Podesta's revealing the many compromised news organizations, Podesta's odd code language, and Bernie Sander's being cheated out of the primaries. At that point, there was no way in my average citizen power I could allow her to win. A Trump loss meant a Clinton win.
Finally, a Youtuber called Trey Smith published a video called "Trump: The coming landslide.” I've already seen Trey's other videos on Biblical accounts and creationism narrating with his quirky personality. In the video, a retired Firefighter named Mark Taylor recited a vision he received 6 years ago about Donald Trump and former Hindu Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj shared his vision on Trump winning. The messages were compelling, at the least, because - so far - Trump had spoken of stopping corruption in D.C., called out the schemes of the media and swears loyalty to Israel. Check, check and check so far, at least on the rhetoric level.
Then, I went on a Youtube search to see if anyone else had prophesied a Trump victory and I was astounded by what I found. Christians all over the world, from all walks of life and races shared what they believed God revealed to them through visions and dreams. Among them:
- Trump would bring a season of prosperity.
- The late Kim Clement declared "Trump shall be a Trumpet!"
- Evangelical Lance Wallnau declared "Trump will be a wrecking ball to the establishment and what the enemy built."
- Trump would be to America what Persian King Cyrus was for Israel.
- Trump would be used to cleanse and purify the nation.
- His family would be a dynastic one in American history.
- The intelligence agencies would attempt to harm him but are warned not to.
- He would win in a landslide.
- He's a baby Christian. Recently born again.
- America would stand hand in hand with Israel.
- The dollar would rise again.
- The elitists and establishment would be upset yet fear him.
- He would expose corruption and darkness in government.
- He would prepare the country for a shaking that is coming.
- On his first day in office, he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, 777. In the Hebraic calendar, it is the year 5777.
Posted months to several years before Trump's victory. This just scratches the surface. It is, at the minimum, intriguing to watch. So, I was sold. It was uplifting and sparked hope. I believed them so much so that I created a compilation video that was only a fraction of all the results I found. And their messages are what finally won me over. I shared the video and I knew it was risky. I could look like a complete fool. I would upset family and friends who wondered how could a son of an immigrant vote for a divisive person?
But the prophecies.... It would be no risk to predict a Hillary victory. Everyone was backing her and still are. Only Trump could pull this off from a worldly view. He is independently wealthy, meaning he is not attached to any special interest group he had to please. He spoke his mind, although, unwisely at times. He is not a politician or part of the establishment. He remarked that Hillary would and should be in jail. As a presidential candidate, who does that? He shows flashes of being anti-establishment and anti-globalist – Christians should not look forward to one-world government. A “Frontline” special even commented Trump was not your typical billionaire; he was an insider treated like an outsider within his own circle of contemporaries.
"Yeah, but the video about grabbing women by their private parts,” you say. I know. That was a tough pill to swallow and there is no defending such behavior. All I can say is this: Trump is a human being. It's unrealistic to expect a billionaire to not have any kind of sin in his past. He was a womanizer. He quasi-apologized for his mistake and chalked it up to "locker room talk.” It was lame but he committed no crime if it were consensual. Any woman that suddenly came out to accuse Trump rescinded their claims. They were found to be false. Even media outlet Buzzfeed knowingly released a false story of Trump’s “golden showers” fetish.
However, barring any convictions of crime, I did not vote for a man. I voted for what the man stands for. Did anyone consider him a racist before he ran for president? I do not believe he is the new Hitler neither do I believe he is going to facilitate a mass exodus of innocent illegal immigrants. Much of this propaganda is just that. In many cases, the perceptions were the result of misquotes from the media.
Additionally, there are evangelicals that claim Trump recently became born again and is a baby Christian. As much as I find that hard to believe, judging from an outsider’s view, I would venture to say "let the baby grow up.” I have hope for what God will do through Trump and not what the man himself will do and that is what drives my support.
Hillary had the entire establishment behind her! The media was releasing biased news, inaccurate poll results and outright lied often. Please feel free to do a basic Youtube search. Beyonce and Jay-Z performed at a Clinton rally. Hollywood stood with her. The debates gave her help. She is close to a Rothschild. Globalist George Soros funded protests. Elitists gave their approval. Former President Obama made cameo appearances. She had everybody on her side and only a miracle would bring a Trump victory... and it actually happened; she...still...lost. It is, indeed, miraculous that he won. Wow.
It must be said that many Christians prayed for this, myself included. Many were concerned about a Clinton victory based on her track record. According to former Deputy Assistant to Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik, some in the FBI community referred to Hillary as "Anti-Christ personified.” She was no friend of the church and made it known as much. I know many Christians still dislike Trump but I didn't hear about them praying for a Hillary victory. From a spiritual standpoint, prayer brought the victory.
From a practical and secular standpoint, he won because he worked very hard to appeal to the average rust belt American. He reached out to the Christian community repeatedly and even had a pastor place a prayer shawl over his shoulders. He told Israel he was behind them. On the other hand, Hillary placed her bet on the big states like California, which she won, but the electoral system prevents social tyranny, so America doesn’t have acquiesce to whatever California, New York and Texas wants. Trump utilized social media sites like Twitter. Recently, Toyota lost a billion dollars in a matter of minutes from a Trump tweet. The man makes seismic waves. According to Gary Franchi of Next News Network, the President brought in over a million jobs before he took the oath.
The prophecies speak of a Golden age in store for America. Not a time for judgment but a period of grace and prosperity. I have debated with many Christians with Biblical proof that God is not only just but also abundant in compassion (Psalm 103:8) and enduring in mercy (Psalm 136:1). Believers need not curse their country by declaring he will fail miserably but we are commanded to pray for our governing authorities (2 Timothy 2:2) for God placed them in power (Daniel 2:21). God placed George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama in power. And, now – even if you don’t like it - He has placed Donald J. Trump in power.
If this trajectory in the prophecies continue, it is going to be a great, yet uncertain, time in America. What a time to be alive!
I’d like to add that one non-Christian YouTuber had an interesting take on Trump's era. Remove the intangible prophecies out of the equation and this is what the YouTuber essentially said:
Trump is so arrogant and egotistical that he wants to have a monument of him erected after he is gone. His ego is so big, he LITERALLY wants to be remembered as the best president ever. He has a competitive spirit. With that in mind, worst case scenario, he will be a good president. Best case scenario, he actually pulls it off.
Outside of faith, I find that to be the most realistic assessment of this billionaire that had political aspirations since the 1980s. I wish the mainstream media would stop the propaganda. I find them to be mostly responsible for the protests and anger we are witnessing now due to their constant barrage of divisive gas-lighting narratives this past year. It has gotten to where colleagues are afraid to talk about politics because they assume, being a man of color, that I was voting for Hillary and feared my reaction. It is frustrating that many are listening to the likes of CNN and New York Times when they have been found to be colluding with Clinton. That is dishonest journalism and un-American. In my eyes, it raises a red flag that the liberal, progressive, secular world despises Trump. That should raise a Christian’s eyebrow.
For the record, I did not like George W. Bush. And, I did not vote for Barack Obama. I am registered as an independent voter, so this is not a Democrat versus Republican thing. When Obama won the election in 2008, I was apprehensive yet I was very happy that the country reached a milestone. He was our first black president. What an accomplishment in diversity! And, at that moment, though I didn’t agree with his policies, I sincerely hoped that he would surprise me. I hoped to be wrong about him because God placed Obama in the White House.
Now, let’s offer Trump the same courtesy. Let’s pray and welcome our new president and hope he surprises all of America by helping to make it great again, as he promised.
The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. He still can't believe he's a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.
The self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.
- See more at: http://www.newdmagazine.com/apps/articles/web/articleid/79282/columnid//default.asp#sthash.rR184hJD.dpufThe self-proclaimed Zig Ziglar of rap, Billy Delgado, is a Music Producer/Artist and Writer by day and sleeping pillow-drooler by night. He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). He still can't believe he's a family man with a beautiful wife Mari & three boys Chris, Nelson and Joshua, so he continues to pinch himself silly to this day.
- See more at: http://www.newdmagazine.com/apps/articles/web/articleid/79282/columnid//default.asp#sthash.rR184hJD.dpuf